Newborn babies, especially those born premature, are preferably maintained in a supine position. In this position, a baby’s airways are far less likely to be obstructed. Until the development of Cinis Preemie Halo™, there were no support devices available that would stabilize an infants head.
Cinis Preemie Halo™, a suitable support device for newborns including premature infants, comprises a doughnut-shaped structure of about 5 to 6 inches outer diameter with a central aperture of about two inches. The tube is “D” shaped in cross-section at the rear, or head region and smaller at the neck section.
The current prototype is constructed of a custom compound material that has remarkable flesh-like characteristics and is a USP Class VI material. All components of the material are FDA exempt.
- Supports the head midline in a supine position
- Aids in proper airway alignment
- Helps develop the head
- Aids in cognitive and physical development
- Soft and pliable
- Uses grade #6 mineral oil, to help with skull cap flaking of skin
“Not another health care alternative, but the Original Medical Standard.”
Made in the USA. Patented Globally.